"Genpei potato", a local food that has been passed down from generation to generation
Okamoto and Reiko Okamoto
(Higashi-Iya in Miyoshi City / Farmer)

Mr. and Mrs. Okamoto grow "Goushu potato" in Higashi-iya, Miyoshi city. This type of potato has been cultivated since ancient times in the mountainous area around Mt. Tsurugi. It is said to have originated from the Heike clan, who were driven out of the capital and fell into the East-iya region in the old days. It is grown on well-drained sloping lands. Layers of Kaya on the fields effectively prevent frost and suppress weeds to grow vegetables. Potatoes are harvested from July to August. They are small and found in white and red colors.
Most of them were home-consumed, but they are now commercialized by J.A. Awa-Miyoshi. It is sold as "Genpei potato" in a red-and-white set that resembles the colors of the flags of the Heishi and Genji.

The potatoes have a chewy texture and a simple but distinctive sweet flavor. The more they are cooked, the tighter they become, and they do not fall apart.
They are particularly delicious as stir-fry boiled potatoes with Miso and for Oden, curry, and other stewed dishes because they are small and do not fall apart.

I hope you'll have a chance to taste the "Goushu potato" carefully passed down from generation to generation.