Energize the entire village! To preserve this view for a hundred years to come!
Chiyoko Yamamoto and Yasuo Koizumi
(Anabuki Town in Mima City / Farmer's Guest House Yamamotoya)

We arrived at Fuchimyou after driving about 40 minutes from the Wakimachi InterChange. Although this village is mountainous, the slope is gentler in many places than in other areas. The farmer's guest house, "Yamamotoya," is run by an energetic mother.
She is Mr. Koizumi's younger sister and the head of this area's community association. She returned to Mima from Osaka, where she had lived for many years, and started a second life in the family home where she was born and raised.
She said, "Children who come to experience farming say that the vegetables grown here are delicious," with her smile.
Her older brother, Mr.Koizumi, works in the fields and maintains the garden.
"I want to make the village where more young people visit and interact with communities," he said, and his dream is to make the entire community more active.
"I build a place where you can lie down and watch the beautiful stars. Now I am going to build a pizza oven in the garden," he said. He said he has been thinking about many projects, one after another.
We can find something new when we visit again.

Farmer's Guest House Yamamotoya
Address: 385, Kuchiyama-aza-fuchimyou, Anabuki-cho, Mima city, Tokushima Prefecture
TEL: 0883-56-0550