Indigenous Agriculture Attracts Tourists from Around the World: The Potential of Agricultural and Cultural Tourism in Nishi Awa
The symposium was held at Higashi Miyoshi Town, Miyoshi Toubu Welfare Center, on February 9, 2016, and attended by approximately 100 residents. The keynote speakers were Yukinori Hosaka, who runs the Ku-neru-asobu guesthouse in Higashi Iya and the COCO-CROSS guesthouse, and Masaaki Yamagishi, who runs the Shimakoya guesthouse on Naoshima in Kagawa Prefecture while also working as a member of the community-reactivating cooperator squad. We conducted a panel discussion thereafter. Mr. Hosaka, a pioneer in the management of guesthouses and acceptance of foreigners in Nishi-Awa, gave two lectures, focusing on his activities, to raise the awareness of local people: "A new culture is born when travelers and immigrants interact with […]
Indigenous Agriculture and Our Future: Challenges and Possibilities for Indigenous Agriculture in Japan and Worldwide
Title: Indigenous Agriculture and Our Future: Challenges and Possibilities for Indigenous Agriculture in Japan and Worldwide Date: September 13, 2015 Venue: Anabuki Rural Environment Improvement Center The people living in the mountainous region of Nishi-Awa, called "Sora" in ancient times, have developed surprisingly ingenious ways to farm in the harsh environment of the steep slopes, which sometimes have slopes of 30 degrees or more. The unique knowledge, techniques, systems, values, and beliefs of the local people, related to agriculture and land use, have nurtured beautiful landscapes and a wide variety of flora and fauna unique to this region. However, these indigenous farming and land-use practices as well as the cultures, […]
Creating Nishi-Awa GIAHS Site: Potential for Regional Development Through Heritage Tourism
Title: Creating Nishi-Awa GIAHS Site: Potential for Regional Development Through Heritage Tourism Date: March 6, 2015 Venue: Agricultural Structure Improvement Center in Tsurugi Participation fee: free Program < Part 1 >14:00~14:10Opening remarks: Shigeru Kanenishi (Mayor of Tsurugi)Introduction to the symposium by Prof. Naoki Naito (Tokushima University Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Science) 14:10~14:30 Keynote speech 1: ”What are Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems? GIAHS initiatives in Japan” by Mr. Akira Nagata (UNU-IAS) 14:30~14:50 Keynote speech 2: “Characteristics and Potential of Nishi-Awa Steep Slope Land Agriculture System” by Pro. Naoki Naito (Tokushima University Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Science) 14:50~15:10 Keynote speech 3:”Community development with tourism utilizing […]